Akendo Park - This is a very narrow greenbelt and creek on either side of Lakeshore right at the bottom of Winston Churchill.
Ruby-Crowned Kinglets (many), Common Mergs, Yellow Warblers, Black-Throated Green Warblers, (many), Nashville Warbler, Yellow-Rumped Warblers (many), White-Throated Sparrows (everywhere), Belted King Fisher, TVs, Northern Flickers, Pileated Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Wood Ducks (nesting).
For those who may be interested,
Two weeks ago I spotted a beautiful, brilliant white, total Albino Muskrat in this area. I watched it and it’s mate (normal brown) working on a lodge on the opposite side of the stream. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera and I haven’t seen it since. I also saw a mink (a predator of muskrat) in the area that same day so who knows???