Kirtland's and Prairie Warblers, etc.
Outdoor Ontario

Kirtland's and Prairie Warblers, etc.


  • Old Timer
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Good evening

 Today Ian Cannell, his friend Peter from Enland an I birded the Long Point area and at 2 pm today Ian spotted a Kirtland's Warbler just south of the banding station in Old Cut Woods. We alerted the staff and hopefully some others got to see this great bird. ( BSC was notified ). About 15 minutes before this we also spotted and had good looks at a female Prairie Warbler.

 On our way to Old Cut we drove along 4th Concession Rd on the south side of Backus Woods and here among some other nice birds we found 2 Louisiana Waterthrushes and 3 Hooded Warblers.

 Driving back up to Hwy 59 we then turned left onto County Rd 60 and drove to West 1/4 Line Rd. Driving down this road we listened to a Lark Sparrow in full song just before the T intersection at 4th Concession Rd, same name as at Backus, different location. Along this 4th Concession Rd through the wWilson's Tract we stopped and listened to and had close encounters with 1 of 3 Pine Warblers singing there along with Canada and Blackburnian Warblers.

 Both Backus Woods and the Wilson's Tract are also good for both Cuckoos, Yellow-throated Vireo, Mourning, Cerulean, Golden-winged and Blue-winged Warblers, Red-headed and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Screech Owl and I have found Barred Owls at Backus and there is a 50-50 chance of seeing or at least hearing an Acadian Flycatcher.

 Good luck to anyone that ventures down that way or to Old Cut Woods.  


Old Cut Woods at Long Point is southwest of Hamilton, directly south of Port Rowan. To reach it you can drive south on Hwy 6 from Hamilton, passing through Hagersville and turning right, west in Jarvis onto Hwy 3, drive to Simcoe and turn left, south on Hwy 24 and follow this to Hwy 59, ( it curves to the west south of town) turn left, south on Hwy 59 and drive right down about 8 km and past the golf coarse and you will be on the causeway (Long Point Rd).

Drive on across the bridge and continue past the marina on your left. The road comes to Lake Erie where it curves to the left (Erie Blvd) through the cottage / retail business area. Continue driving until you come to Old Cut Road. Turn left and drive a couple of hundred yards down this road (you will see the entrance to the banding area on your right) this is the entrance to Old Cut Woods. Drive another 100 feet or so and you will see a parking area on your left. Park here and walk across the road to the woods.

NOTE: Be sure to lock your car and put your valuables out of sight).


Backus Woods near Long Point is southwest of Hamilton and north of Port Rowan. To reach it you can drive south on Hwy 6 from Hamilton, passing through Hagersville and turning right, (west) in Jarvis onto Hwy 3, drive to Simcoe and turn left (south) on Hwy 24 and follow this towards Hwy 59. About 2 km past Norfolk Township East 1/4 Line Road or about 1
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 70
Just amazing Norm, to see a Kirtlands warbler is a special event!  and the Praries also - what a good day you guys had :-)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JMCDA »