This update on the Whimbrel watch was posted by Mark Cranford on ONTBIRDS today:
Few whimbrel have been recorded over the past two days at Col Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke but judging from tagged radio birds and numbers still on the American east coast more could pass by in the coming days.
Since May 18 we have been monitoring Whimbrel as they move past Col Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke. It appears that most birds move past in the morning with a lull around noon. Some are moving in the early evening. Up until now coverage has been more or less complete. We need help for the next couple of days including the weekend. Most critical is in the late afternoon but anytime could be helpful
What is needed is a count of birds with the time along with direction and distance. Whimbrel are very energetic so care should be made not to count the same pack twice. There are few waterbirds around now although there are lots for Cormorants. The official counters frequent the first park bench on the Lake off the main path to the headlands. If you see Whimbrel please report them to myself directly not necessarily to Ontbirds.
Another reason to visit Col Sam Park right now is the songbird migration is still ongoing. Yesterday in the thickets around the marina I saw Wilson's, Magnolia, Blackpol Warblers along with Swainson's Thrush and lots of Yellow Warbler and Willow Flycatcher. I also had a probable Connecticut Warbler that gave me the slip in heavy brambles. Morning Warbler is also likely.
Col Sam Smith Park is at the bottom of Kipling Avenue on Lake Ontario in the westend of Toronto (1st exit on Gardner east of 427)