Hi folks,
I'm now back home but on the way out of Ontario, I was directed to Tilbury Sewage Lagoons for shorebirds as Blenheim is out of bounds at present. We called in on the afternoon of Monday 17th.
At last! Birds!
72 Great Egrets
20+ GB Herons
50+ Semi-p Sand
2 Least Sand
20+ Pec Sand
2 Bairds Sand
3 Semi-p Plover
3 juv Short-billed dowitchers
1 adult dowitcher that was bigger with a bill at least 1 inch longer than the SBD's - presume Long-billed but I know there is some significant variability.
Numbers Lesser and Greate Yellowlegsm Killdeer and Spotted Sands.
I'd seen most o this from the corner when a lady birder turned up and drove around the main pool (which did put up quite a bit of wildfowl)!
The guide to Birding in Ontario states that it can be viewed from the 401 - no - go into Tilbury, turn north at the traffic lights and then west along Clouthier Street and then drive up to the pools from there.
Have fun this autumn, sorry, fall. Hope it's not another six years till my next visit and perhaps at a better time, birding wise.