Earl Bales park and our yard
Outdoor Ontario

Earl Bales park and our yard

Leslie Kinrys

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We've been having computer problems, so I haven't been able to visit this site or post for awhile. I thank my kind neighbours for letting me use theirs, so I can get my birding fix. I visited Earl Bales Park (Bathurst/Sheppard) on Monday, with a friend from Long Island. She was delighted to see a male Hairy Woodpecker and Wilson's Warblers, because she doesn't see them around her. We also saw A. Redstarts everywhere, and there were Chestnut-sided, Bay-breasted, Nashville, Yellow, Yellow-rumped and Magnolia warblers. We saw a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Blue Jays, Chickadees, Chimney Swifts, Gray Catbirds.

It has also been busy in our and our neighbours' yards (north of Earl Bales). Over the last week, there have been, besides the usual suspects, Chipping Sparrows, Flickers, Hummingbirds, 1 Common Nighthawk flew by, 1 Gray catbird, Baltimore Orioles, Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1 Least  and 1 Great-crested flycatchers, 1 Canada and 1 Black-throated Green Warblers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Leslie Kinrys »
The bird lady of the tower.