Strange Formation
Outdoor Ontario

Strange Formation


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I was out walking my dogs this morning when I heard some Canada geese honking. I looked up and observed a very strange formation fly overhead, it consisted of 3 geese and a single male mallard. The birds were in a vic formation with the mallard to the right of the flight lead. To the mallards right was another goose.

I have never seen a mixed formation like that before. I was quite amazing....

Has anyone else ever seen the likes or can anyone shed any light on the possible reasons for this strange formation.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by guinness »


  • Old Timer
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Usually you see other geese in with the Canada's- Snow or Cackling.
When the White-wing Scoters are migrating in May, you will see things like Red-throated Loons or grebe's in the focks.
Rayfield Pye
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by raypye »