Good day Eh
Today I took a break from walking and took a chance on a Raptor movement at High Park and I wasn't disappointed both in Raptor sightings and the usual screwed up weather report. It was a beautiful day to be out and especially at a Raptor viewing area, right Big Frank ? :wink:
We had, and these are unofficial totals as far as the raptors go, these are my sightings. 79 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 14 A. Kestrels, 5 N. Harriers, 12 Broad-winged Hawks, 21 Red-tailed Hawks, 4 Cooper's Hawks, 4 Ospreys, 1 Peregrine Falcon and 1 juvenile Bald Eagle.
Other birds observed were 62 Cedar Waxwings, 11 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds darting west, 17 B-H Cowbirds flying west, 33 Common Nighthawks flying west, 29 Chimney Swifts flying west, and on, over and around Hawk Hill, Common Loon, Barn and Tree Swallows, Northern Shoveler, Great Blue Heron, Nashville and Palm Warblers, Chipping Sparrows, Indigo Bunting, Northern Flickers and 74 Canada Geese high overhead flying south.