Roestta McClain Gardens Raptor Watch 172 Raptors
Outdoor Ontario

Roestta McClain Gardens Raptor Watch 172 Raptors


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
I agree with Norms post,it was a very odd weather day,and yet the raptors kept coming. Our totals are very good for early in the migration season and Im sure everyone is hopeful of a continuation of this trend. I was glad to hear my mentors at High Park had a good day too! The gang there is very helpful to new folks,as I attempt to be with all visitors and new birders as well. Colin and I had ominous grey/black clouds to the north of us several times,but the breeze from the lake,broke them up and spared us any rain. At one point we watched Sharpshinned Hawks moving out over the lake to avoid the storm clouds. Eventually they settled on a flight path more or less right overhead. I further agree with Norm that only binoculars and a willingness to learn are needed to enjoy amazing sightings! An added bonus today was witnessing the flight of thousands and thousands of Monarch Butterflys.
     Between 11 and 11:30am,we got 41 raptors,all started when we got on a lone Redtailed Hawk. Suddenly there were birds joining it,then as I scribbled down what we'd seen Colin says "Ive got a Bald Eagle".  Now I hurriedly try to locate it and say "ok Ive got your Eagle and there are 2 Broadwings above it!" Colin replys "I dont see any Broadwings" Frank says "Well your binos are stronger so field of vision is less." Colin "My bird is circling." Frank "Mine is flying straight". Finally we both realized for certain we are on 2 different Eagles.
       For an hour,the birds all seemed to be really high and going out over the lake to avoid the big grey clouds.  By "staying on" birds,suddenly more would appear.  We saw one Kestrel,and quickly a 2nd came into view,just as Colin and I both got on to the bird,it snagged a dragonfly,and ate on the wing as it continued onward.
Our final total doubled my year to date count. We saw 172 raptors today,consisting of,
Bald Eagle.......3

     The total of 41 Broadwinged Hawks represents more in one day then the previous 2 years combined. I attribute this to both Colins expert help and also a more normal weather pattern this fall.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »