spent the week-end on amherst island,and,we,and the 10 other people i spoke to,were unsucessful,in spotting any owls.that was sat., afternoon till dark.sunday we drove slowly around the island,and spotted 2 deer,buffleheads,red-breasted mergansers,loons,a GBH, a myriad of other birds,and the most hawks,i,ve ever seen,period! we stopped counting at 30 +. these included american kestrels,red-tails,a possible dark-morph version of a rouh-legged,and a light-morph rough-legged hawk,which i witnessed,for the first time,hover,sweep down,and come up with lunch,in his claws.all,in all,definately,not a wasted trip,considering,a deer,bow-hunt going on,and the constant shotgun blats,from duck hunters at the west-end of the island.the hawk counts,include our drive back,and forth,from port perry.the birds were very nervous,to say the least.