Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch GoldenEagle,Goshawk +237 Others
Outdoor Ontario

Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch GoldenEagle,Goshawk +237 Others


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 417
Today was another fantastic day of raptor watching at Rosetta McClain Gardens. At 11:45am,Carol and I saw a juvenile Golden Eagle. It was very low and very close to us. It barely cleared a ridge of trees along the side of the bluffs,and just above eyelevel no more then 50ft away we spotted it. I hollered EAGLE! and immediately as it flared up,GOLDEN EAGLE. We clearly saw the tail and "armpit" markings. It circled infront of us,and we had spectacular views of it. Eventually it came back gaining a great deal of height. Ron Pittaway was first to spot a juvenile Northern Goshawk,which came low and was definetly on a hunting run into the park.  Our final total of 239raptors included:
Bald Eagle................1
Northern Harrier.......26
Sharpshinned Hawk..126
Coopers Hawk............2
Northern Goshawk......1
Broadwinged Hawk.....1
Redtailed Hawk..........1
Golden Eagle..............1
American Kestrel........69
Peregrine Falcon.........1
This brings my season total to 1467.(112 of which were in August)
Tomorrow is shaping up to be another excellent day. Grab your binoculars and head for your favorite raptor watch site!
  Also of interest we saw a waterspout out over Lake Ontario.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 82
Hi Frank, it's Julie-- you met me and my partner last year. We were wondering what hours you are at the park-- I have regualr hours at the office that I can't escape but we coudl be there a bit earlier today or tomorrow. Are you there at 5:30 usually and is it worth coming at that hour, bird-wise?

good on you for the golden-- wow. I've never seen one in the wild and would love to. We saw some great views of balds this summer in BC and Oregon and the beginning of the peeps migration (and almost got hit in the head by a sharpie in High Park not too long ago). But what your'e describing sounds cool too.

thanks for the reports, eh

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Julie »


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 417
Hi Julie,Im often present from 7am till whenever things die down. Today the birds slowed to a stop by around 430pm,but I played with figures till 5pm. Most of the time 10-2pm is peak time. Only very big days like today do the raptors fly till near 5pm. I wouldnt advise going late in the day,its unlikely Ud see anything. Hang in there and try to hit a weekend day with northwest winds. There are still plenty of good raptors(raptor days) to come. We are just in the peak time from Mid-Sept,till Mid-October,(Today was a record day though..see new posting)so dont be discouraged.  I look forward to seeing U both again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »