What Goose - Oakville - Jan.06,2010
Outdoor Ontario

What Goose - Oakville - Jan.06,2010


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Would someone please confirm what kind of Goose this is.  I think it's a Ross's.   It was among many other ducks in Oakville at the marina at the mouth of 16 mile creek.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Luv2Bird »
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I would say that it's a Snow Goose as it has a long neck and the bill is not short enough to be a Ross' Goose.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by thouc »


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Quote from: Luv2Bird
Would someone please confirm what kind of Goose this is.  I think it's a Ross's.   It was among many other ducks in Oakville at the marina at the mouth of 16 mile creek.

There has been a Greylag goose at LaSalle Marina for the past two months and that's what this bird reminds me of...a Ross's goose has a much smaller build and bill. A Snow Goose has much darker tips to the wings and black on the bill.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by bernie2112 »


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It is a plain and simple escapee farm goose.
Why not a Snow goose
1) does not have  the black grin on its bills
2) does not have black primaries. it primaries are white and grey
3) bright orange thick feet typical of farm geese

why it is not a Ross's goose
2 and 3 from above
Also it is larger than a Ross's Goose. Ross's are size of brant i.e. tiny geese
Does not have a dark smear on the base of its bill

The vast majority of these Farm geese are Greylag Geese  decendants. Just like how dogs were domesticated from Wolfs. Most of these farm geese were from greylags.
There are NO true wild Greylags in Ontario. Any Greylag like goose is an escapee farm goose.
Other domestic bred Goose species which has an escapee in Newcastle for the last 3 years is a Chinese Goose. The Domestic variety are much heavier/meatier than the wild ones.
These Escapee Farm geese love to breed with the giant Canada Geese  that live here year round. Their offspring come in all shapes and sizes.  

just a FYI Western Lake Ontario is a magnet for wierd and unusual escapees.  And Lasalle marina is the epicenter for this.
Alot of people keep and breed waterfowl and they do get away. In the last 10 years I have seen the following escapees. Bar-headed Goose 4+, Egyptian Goose 2, Whooper Swan 1, Black Swan 2, Chloe Wigeon 1, Ruddy Shelduck 2, Mandarin Duck 2 and 10+ Barnacle Geese. All species that have never or rarely show up on this continent by themselves.
If you really want to see an impressive Snow Goose Show in 3-5 weeks some of the million+ Greater Snow Goose population will be passing through eastern ontario (cornwall eastward). There one can see 50,000+ in one day. Or drive east of montreal 90mins and see the real show. It is very impressive watching 300,000 Snow geese lift up a dawn to go and feed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »


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Hi Tyler ... thank you VERY much for the great explanation. Finally a definitive description.  I knew that it didn't have the "grin" or dark primaries ,  per the description in my field guides ... but thought it might be a mix of some sort.
There are so many variations of ducks (mallards / hybrid mallards) out there too that it's difficult to know exactly what I'm looking at.  The internet is great,  but it's difficult to find a picture that matches what I've seen.
This forum is a great help.   Super explanation .. thanks again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Luv2Bird »
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Thanks for the ID, I felt something wasn't right with the bill for Snow Goose.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by thouc »


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great job tyler!
i have pics of this same goose,which is also bigger than a canada goose,and snow geese pics from whitby. definately not a snow goose.i posted this same goose from lasalle,awhile ago,in the bird ID section.thanks for the clear explanation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by denis »


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Hi Denis--checked out your LaSalle goose ...(great example of the Snow Goose for comparison).  There were Canada Geese around when I took the pic , but I don't think this one was larger than a CG as in your pic (great for comparison). When I first spotted it , I thought it was a small swan.  Could it be a smaller type of domestic escapee ?
Tyler ... any comment?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Luv2Bird »
Nikon D90 Sigma -150-500
3Yr. still Newbie DSLR user