Outdoor Ontario


JTF · 1 · 2031


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 769
A NORTHERN WHEATEAR was discovered today, Oct. 19, at the Nepean Sailing
Club (a.k.a. Dick Bell Park) along the Ottawa River.  It was reported to Bob
Cermak by a birder from the U.S. who he happened to encounter at Andrew
Haydon Park.  Bob saw the bird @ 2:30 pm and promptly alerted others, who
were able to see it as well. It was still present as of at least 4:30 pm, on
the north side of the rock jetty, approx. 100 m. from the lighthouse at the
end of the path.

The bird appears to be a juvenile with a rich cinammon buff wash across the
breast and sides and a weak auricular patch,  resembling the nonbreeding
female-plumaged bird portrayed in Sibley, but with darker contrast on the
wings. It was surprisingly wary, flushing up frequently from the rocks along
the river side of the rock jetty, then perching out in the open in an
upright posture.


Ottawa - take Hwy 417 west to exit 131 (Bayshore Dr. / Richmond Rd.).
Proceed north on Bayshore Dr. until it ends at Carling Avenue.  Turn left
(west) on Carling, and go past Andrew Haydon Park.  The entrance to the
Neapean Sailing Club / Dick Bell Park is well-signed. Park at the 1st public
parking area and walk north to the path along the rock jetty. Walk slowly on
the north side, as close to the rocks as possible without ending up in the
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JTF »
Paul O\'Toole