Good day folks
Today I went to High Park here in Toronto as the day promised to be good for Raptor movement and the day kept it's promise. I actually went early to observe the migration of non Raptor species before the raptors movement began.
Following are some of the non Raptor birds seen and counted today at Hawk Hill.
Common Loon - 11, Great blue Heron - 4, Sandhill Crane - 3 (thanks to Jean Iron), Eastern Bluebird - 3, American Crow - 76, American Robin - 639, Red-winged Blackbird - 458, Rusty Blackbird - 13, and Common Grackle - 69.
Following are my sightings of the Raptors and this is not the official count.
Turkey Vulture - 64, Northern Harrier - 5, Sharp-shinned Hawk - 125, Cooper's Hawk - 9, Red-shouldered Hawk - 8, Red-tailed Hawk - 260, American Kestrel - 4, Merlin - 1. For a toatl of 476 Raptors.
The weather tomorrow bodes well for a maybe even better movement of Raptors, etc. as it calls for NW winds tonight and all day tomorrow (and Thursday). The counts at Hawk Hill and all of the other Raptor counting sites in Ontario should be good and hopefully (expected) Golden Eagles and Rough-legged Hawks will have a good showing during the next 2 days.
Hope to see some of you guys there.