I've seen the Short-eared Owls at Fisherville side-by-side with the Harriers, and saw the report today from the Lake Erie Metropark Hawk-watch that a Shortie was migrating with a group of Harriers.
It would seem from that and other observations that I've read about, that these two species seem to get along about as decently as hawks & owls could possibly ever get along. Of course, hunting SEOW's & Harriers do attack and harrass each other, but certainly they do seem to get along. With any other species of hawk + owl, you'd get non-stop harassment of the owl.
Anyone else have similar observations?
On a side note, anyone else notice that there's been 4 sightings this year at hawk-watches of SEOW's migrating during the day. Are we looking at a major SEOW irruption this year like the Snowy Owls of last year and the GGO's the year before that?