Nov 19:
Hoping for more migrating raptors,I went to Rosetta McClain Gardens again. The Piliated Woodpecker was not seen or heard today. Lyn and Sarah came hoping for some good raptors and possibly the Piliated Woodpecker. Unfortunately while we did have a few Redtailed Hawks and good conversation, most of the raptors arrived after Sarah's departure. 21 raptors were seen,14 Redtailed Hawks,3 Redshouldered Hawks,a Sharpshinned Hawk,a Coopers Hawk and 2 Northern Goshawks were seen. One(which is somewhat local) made 2 passes,on the return pass it had a small bird in its tallons.Try again tomorrow,with good winds predicted all day. I see Cranberry Marsh had a good day with 2 Golden Eagles and several Rough-legged Hawks.
Nov 18:
Decided to give today a try,I had a few raptors,then at 12:50pm a flurry of 10 went by,including 9 Redtailed Hawks and a single Northern Harrier. I thought maybe the skys were about to rain raptors but it was not to be. Final total was 2 Sharpies,10Redtails and a Harrier. My count is now 5537 for the season. The best sighting of the day was a Piliated Woodpecker,that flew through the middle of the park,and landed in a tree in a yard at the end of the park. I suspect it may be around for a few days now,but of course thats purely speculative. Tomorrow should bring some more raptors by the park. The winds are to be favorable to SOME movement. I will be present early,but dont expect much raptor action until at least 11am or later. Bathrooms are still open until at least Tuesday.
Rosetta McClain Gardens is at Kingston Rd and Glen Everest Rd in Scarborough,one stoplight west of Kingston Rd and Birchmount Rd