Oshawa Second Marsh April 28
Outdoor Ontario

Oshawa Second Marsh April 28

Tyler · 1 · 3499


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 210
Eurasian Wigeon

The drake found last Sunday is being seen daily and has now settled into the
south east corner of the marsh. Usually it associates with the 5-7 American
Wigeons in the marsh. If this bird is not immediately visible, do not give
up. It seems to enjoy foraging in the emergent vegetation and disappears for
several minutes.

Little Gulls

There were 54 birds present this morning. At one time there were 43 birds
doing courtship display flights above the marsh. Some birds are remaining in
the marsh all day unless the local Peregrine comes by. Most birds however
still leave the marsh by 9am to join the growing rafts of Bonaparte's Gulls

Other birds seen in the Oshawa Second Marsh area

1600 Bonaparte's Gulls
Terns: Caspian, Common and 1 Forster's
Waterfowl 19 species in the marsh including 2 Northern Pintail, 9 Ruddy
Ducks, Canvasback, Northern Shovelers and Hooded Mergansers
1 Red-throated Loon in Lake Ontario off Darlington Provincial Park
Also in Lake Ontario offshore of the marsh were White-winged Scoters, Common
Loons, Horned Grebes and Red-necked Grebes
Virginia Rails, Soras, American Coots and Common Moorhens present and
calling in the marsh.
1 Pair of Pied-billed Grebes were observed nest building
1 Wild Turkey in the field west of the marsh

Cool Hollow and Ghost Road woods area were quiet this morning.
1 Gray Catbird in Cool Hollow
3 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers on territory in the west side of Ghost Road woods


Exit from the 401 at the Harmony Rd. Exit(419) in Oshawa. Go south on
Farewell St. Colonel Sam Drive. Turn East onto Colonel Sam Drive and follow
to the parking lot at the GM Headquarters. Park in the west parking lot
close to the marsh. The east (GM) platform is visible from the NW corner of
the lot.

For a trail map of the Oshawa Second marsh area visit
 www.secondmarsh.com and check the link for a trail map of
the area.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Tyler »