Went up to the Carden Alvar with the South Peel Naturalist Club and we saw all the specialties of the area, was very successful trip.
We saw 2 Loggerhead Shrikes, Sedge Wrens,9 types of sparrows including Clay-colored, Grasshopper and Vesper, Scarlet tanager, 6 types of flycatchers including a least flycatcher on a nest.
Also saw American redstarts, Brown thrashers and Baltimore orioles on nest. We had 3 different Golden-winged warblers but 1 was probably a hybrid as it sang a Blue-winged warbler song.
Also Upland Sandpipers, Virginia rail, Sora, Common Moorhen and American Bittern, we ended with 81 species for the day ,not too shabby
Enjoy and good birding
Andrew Don
Photos are up at