I just posted this on ONTBIRDS:
Hi all,
At Van Wagners Beach between noon and 2 pm today I saw one Parasitic
Jaeger and four unidentified Jeagers (probably all Parasitic). Despite
30 km/h winds from the E-NE sector all Jaegers passed at long
distance. There were also White-winged Scooters, Long-tailed Ducks, a
Bonaparte's Gull, and Sanderlings and a Ruddy Turnstone on the beach.
Others reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull.
In Windermere Basin there was a Pied-billed Grebe and a good variety
of ducks (ten species) including
10 Gadwall
X Mallard
4 Blue-winged Teal
18 Northern Shoveler
6 Northern Pintail
X Green-winged Teal
1 Ring-necked Duck
4 Greater Scaup
40 Lesser Scaup
50 Ruddy Duck
Not many shorebirds however, only a few Least, Semipalmated, and
Pectoral Sandpipers, a Semipalmated Plover, five Lesser Yellowlegs,
and ten Killdeer.