This morning I was watching my feeders when a female House Finch arrived. I get these guys mixed in with House Sparrows every day, so it was no big deal. I still picked up my binoculars to get a better look, and then realized that what I was seeing was all wrong. There was heavy streaking of the breast and the shape was a little off. Then to my excitement a male came in and cinched it!! My first Purple Finch after two years of birdwatching! It makes me wonder though if they've been here the whole time and I haven't noticed.....Either way, it's still a lifer for me.
I also had my first Red-Breasted Nuthatch to the feeder this week. Another lifer so I was pretty excited. Today in my neighborhood in the middle of Windsor I saw a Sharpie, Dark-Eyed Junco, Downy WP, Purple Finches, as well as "the regulars".
My husband and I also saw a fox at about 8 pm along Detroit River.
What a great day for not really searching anything out!