Hello all
Today, another Spring like day I again tagged along with Margaret Liubavicius and we birded Humber Bay Park in Etobicoke. As we walked along we did find some decent birds overhead including American Robins, American Crows and Horned Lark flying east and thanks to Margaret an adult Bald Eagle also heading east. While looking at the Eagle we spotted 2 Iceland Gulls above us and a little later on a Glaucous Gull flew over.
On the water were the usual Waterfowl including 7 American Coots, 4 Horned Grebes, Redheads, all 3 Mergansers and Ruddy Duck and there are 2 Trumpeter Swans in the park. We did find the Northern Mockingbird again and as we passed through High park we spotted the Red-bellied Woodpecker at Centre and Spring Roads.
The House Fiches and Northern Cardinals are drawing attention to themselves through their nice singing, mostly on the west side of the park.
After this weekend there should be some Red-wing Blackbirds and Common Grackles putting in an appearance as well as more and more Crows, Robins, and Raptors passing overhead.
Noticeable again was the further increase in the number of Gulls present both at Humber Bay Park and Sunnyside Beach.
All in all a worth while day to be out.
To get to Humber Bay Park from Queen & Yonge Streets. Take the Queen Street Car #501 west to Park Lawn Road, the park is across from the street car stop. Depending on which Queen Street street car you board you may or may not have to transfer from one car to another at the Humber Loop, but this is no big deal.
You can also take the 66D TTC bus from Old Mill subway station directly to the Humber Bay Park loop.
By automobile from downtown Toronto drive west on Lakeshore Blvd, cross the Humber River Bridge at Sunnyside and drive to Park Lawn Road (on the west side of Christie Biscuits), turn left (south) and your in Humber Bay East.
After exiting this area turn left (west) and drive to the entrance to Humber Bay West which immediately on your left as you cross the bridge.
Norm Murr
Richmond Hill, ON
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