On my list all were self-found except the first Snow Goose, the Cattle Egrets and the Red-necked Phalarope. The White-faced Ibis was not self-identified as I thought it was a Glossy Ibis, but other birders later identified it as White-faced and I could confirm it myself the second time I saw it (closer up and better lighting).
As for Tufted Titmouse, they are pretty easy to find here in the Southwest, specially during winter. The feeders at Pinery Provincial Park, Rondeau Provincial Park and Ojibway Park in Windsor often have them. It's already on my 2011 list
From Reuven's list I'm still looking for Black Vulture, Sedge Wren, Loggerhead Shrike, Northern Goshawk, Acadian Flycatcher, Boreal Chickadee, Saw-whet Owl and Thayer's Gull.