Rouge Park has some amazing vernal ponds but alas, unless you are conducting a survey, (as I do in the summer for odonates) most are off trail or not available to the public. I know of several hidden ponds that host an array of wildlife including snapping turtles. Check out my flickr account to see a few of my Rouge Park pics of frogs and other wildlife: are a few ponds you may wish to check out in the Beare Wetlands that are quite good, park at Pearse House (just east and across the Toronto Zoo, off Meadowvale) and take the trail down the hill. Cedar and Orchard trail both have several ponds that you can check out. Be careful though, there are salamander monitoring sites in this area and Rouge Park wants trail users to stay on trail. If you are lucky you will see tree frogs sitting on low foliage and painted turtles basking on logs. Just after rainy days, salamanders cross the trail where the Rouge river runs under. Good luck.
Gary Yankech