We went down to Point Pelee National Park for the first time with another couple from May 9th-11th.
What an amazing place during migration! I now know why birders from all over the world come to this park during migration. I was overwhelmed to have seen 90 species, 18 of them lifers!
Stand outs for me included the Rusty Blackbird (lifer) who we got to watch for a long time, and the Orchard Oriole (lifer) of which we saw many, including the female, who we thought at first was a Blue-winged Warbler.
We saw 21 species of Warblers, including the Cerulean Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler and Blackburnian Warbler, all lifers. I also knew we had become official "bird nerds" when just outside the Visitor Centre, where we were all enjoying lunch at the picnic tables when someone yelled "Tennessee Warbler" over here, and the tables emptied in a cloud of dust to have a look. :lol: Another lifer.
Though not a lifer for me, the Black-throated Blue Warbler was a joy to watch for a long time as he enjoyed a bath.
I highly recommend a trip to this amazing National Park and look forward to making this an annual part of our vacation.