Oh my goodness, thanks so much guys, that's great. It's so good to hear from other nature buffs. Zed, I will definitely be picking up a copy of the Kaufman Field Guide. Thanks for mentioning it! I've been working with the Audobon Society's Field Guide to North American butterflies & it's pretty good, but for instance, it doesn't have the Common Ringlet eyespot butterfly (which may be our only ringlet in southern Ontario?).
Thanks, too, Walter! I was planning to message you when I got the chance. I really appreciate you letting me know Crescentspots are variable. Makes me feel a little less "green" (smile). Thanks for telling me about bugguide, too. I've come across it in my nature searches, but still learning the good sites to remember. For instance, just heard on the cbc radio yesterday about the site 'ebird'. Looking forward to visiting it & perhaps starting a bird siting 'life list'.
Thanks again,