Don't miss checking out one of the best spots in Niagara for armchair birdwatching: N 43 3.33 W 079 1.557 . This is by far the best spot along the river to sit with binoculars and just let birds pass you by as they head down river. Check the coordinates out on Google Earth and you'll find one of the typical pull-off parking spots along the Upper Niagara River. This one though has several PERFECT things going for it: 1) it faces the narrow channel of the Niagara river passing by Navy Island, giving a nice treed backdrop for easier bird identification while in flight (less silhouetting) 2) it has two picnic tables set farther away from the road than usual for more of an intimate setting, especially if you have kids and don't want them near the road 3) the whole pull-off is well shaded with mature trees, making it comfortable for a whole afternoon of watching the sunny side of the river.
I attached some photos below to give you an idea of what the area looks like. As we were about to leave, and I was taking the photos, we noticed two very large white shapes flying high above the river. Grabbed the binoculars and was thrilled to see a pair of Great Egrets. I swear though that I felt like I was looking at a pair of totally white Great Blue Herons - they were that large! I know this isn't the salt marshes of Florida, but is there any chance? Have white Great Blues ever been noted here? I attached two photos of them below (the last two shots). Although grainy (camera on max zoom) they should give you an indication of the size and approx flying shape of these two birds.
We sat and played Scrabble for 2 hours and listed all of the birds below - without any actual bird "finding". I know it isn't a very exciting list, but it just goes to show the diversity at this spot. Note - all birds were in flight (except turkeys), so we suggest binoculars at this spot and not spotting scopes.
1. Double Crested Cormorants
2. Canada Geese
3. Mallards
4. Turkey Vultures
5. Wild Turkeys (walking shoreline of Navy Island)
6. Great Blue Herons
7. Great Egrets
8. Black-Crowned Night Herons (at least 1 every 2-3 mins!)
9. Herring Gull
10. Ring-Billed Gull
11. Common Tern
12. Rock Doves
13. Belted Kingfisher
14. Eastern Kingbirds
15. Eastern Wood Peewee (audible only)
16. Tree Swallows (nesting overhead)
17. American Crows
18. Blue Jays
19. Black-Capped Chickadees
20. American Robin
21. Cedar Waxwings (huge flock)
22. Red Winged Blackbirds
23. Common Grackles
24. Northern Oriole (trees overhead)
25. American Goldfinches
26. Unidentified riverbank sparrows (not good at these, unfortunately)
Hmm... thought we had 28 counted but the last ones evade me. Oh well, still a good list for 2 hours!