I used to see Northern White Tailed Deer in that area too. I guess I will not see Northern White Tailed Deer there now. More naturalization projects will take place. Hopefully the Northern White Tailed Deer will find a new area to use.
I think the whitetail deer will continue. They don't need too much.
I fully understand the idea of naturalization but, when we thinking about this, this does affect many of the birds in the area too, this area was great with thistles(goldfinches and various songbirds) and wild-flowers(humming birds) and those corn-like plants (downy woodpeckers), not to mention the disturbed grounds for moles, mice, voles and rabbits-which the three species of hawks that live in the arsenal lands frequently eat. Also nesting redwinged blackbirds nested in those areas as well
I don't want to sound like I'm going off, but saying "they don't need much" is like saying you don't need food or water or a place to live
I understand that there have been problems in the park and they want to make better use of the grounds by rebuilding and adding things, but at what cost...I hear things alot like "there used to be such and such here"
alot of animals are habitual, once their areas are touched by man a lot of them will not come back.
but I will watch and see...
I guess my question is...is it better for nature? or is it just better for man?