I was in Mississauga for the weekend, and had some time on Saturday to wander around Erindale Park. I was hoping for hawk migration, but I found none at all (I did see 5 vultures, 2 red-tails and an osprey soaring in other directions)
However, the insect situtation was very productive. My highlight was praying mantis. I'd only seen one once before, but on Saturday I saw a total of fourteen! One had a green darner halfeaten in its arms when I found it!
Odes were also very good:
American Rubyspot - common along the river, a first for me and probably my favourite ode now, they look incredible
Ebony Jewelwing - 1 male
Slender Spreadwing - 10
Powdered Dancer - 1 female
Familiar Bluet - 1 male, 1 probable female
Common Green Darner - 300+
Shadow Darner - 1
Lance-tipped Darner - 8
Aeshna sp. - 20
Black Saddlebags - 15
Wandering Glider - 1
Band-winged Meadowhawk - 1
Ruby Meadowhawk - 1
White-faced Meadowhawk - 4
Autumn Meadowhawk - 10
Meadowhawk sp. - 30
Black Swallowtail - 1
Cabbage White - 10
Clouded Sulphur - 30
White/Sulphur sp. - 100
Eastern Tailed Blue - 10
Crescent Sp. - 2
Red Admiral - 1
Buckeye - 1
Red-spotted Purple - 1
Common Ringlet - 5
Monarch - 15
Duskywings - at least 2 sp., at least 5 of each, but my book shows that none should still be flying...
Skippers - at least 3 sp., 2 of which were very abundunt, but my book (butterflies of the north woods) again shows only a couple sp. still flying, which definitely weren't what I saw.