I had a great day birding yesterday at both West Side Marsh in SE Bowmanville and Darlington Marsh at the terminus of Solina Rd. S.
Highlights include:
West Side:
-1F E. towhee
-1 brown thrasher
-2 yb sapsuckers
-1 lincoln's sparrow
-2 orange-crowned warblers, 2m 3f nashville, 1m 1f black-throated blue, 3 black-throated green, 1 Tennessee and 1 blackpoll
-5 hermit, 2 swainson, 1 gray cheeked thrush
-1 blue-headed vireo
-1 raven
-6 juncos (first of the fall)
Darlington (also known as Hydro Marsh):
-1 juvenile bald eagle (around 12:20pm)
-1 red-shouldered hawk, 10 RTH, 3 cooper's
-2m 2f lesser scaup
-1 connecticut warbler - spotted it on the W. end of the pond near where the trail crosses the road that leads to the upper fields. It was a nice surprise as I've never seen one there before.
Happy birding!