I seem to have themes going..... just a few frogs from the Rouge this year.
green frog by
Gary Yankech, on Flickr
Found basking on the rocks in the Rouge River at the bottom of Twyn Rivers Drive.
green frog by
Gary Yankech, on Flickr
This guy posed for me in a mucky, smelly tree stump infested swamp. I was actually on a Odonate survey but could not resist taking his picture with him posing like that. I was almost waist deep in water, trying desperately not to get my camera wet.
female green frog by
Gary Yankech, on Flickr
Behind Pearse House, across from the Zoo, I discover a tiny secret man-made pond....this female green frog was guarding her tadpoles.
American Toads mating by
Gary Yankech, on Flickr
This past spring, while watching for spring migration at Ressor Pond, just north of Hwy 407, I stumbled on a large group of mating American Toads.
They were frolicking away while I tucked myself behind some low lying reeds.
Gary Yankech