I've got a number of bird houses out back. One is quite popular, it's an "outhouse".
Anyways, Chickadees successfully nested in it a few years ago. Last year some House Sparrows took it but we were never quite certain if they had a nest or not. They hung out in and out of it for much of the Spring into June.
This year, March rolls around, House Sparrows come back. A week or so of a male hanging out and not much else. All is quiet for about 3 weeks. Then the Chickadees come on scene, and have been working on the house for over a week now.
Today I look out back and this male House Sparrow is hanging around again. He's poking his head in the nest box here and there, sitting on the edge of it chirping his fool head off. And one Chickadee is sitting in the tree near the house being a rather angry bird.
I'm quite unhappy about it and have gone out and chased the male Sparrow away a few times but he has been returning. All is quiet at the moment but I am watching.
Any suggestions what to do? Let nature take it's course? Should I work on my aim and borrow a pellet gun? Relax, just kidding there... mostly...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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