another great pic...thanks for posting it...I enjoy the images and hearing about coyote sightings in urban areas...and as I said, I lived in the general area as a wee can't really get close to coyotes here in a rural setting b/c they are hunted and winter is the prime hunting season -- farmers have downtime and hunting is subsidized social time plus the snow helps tire the coyotes out while the dogs chase them...
I'm a light dog Crosby...not so much. Last Wednesday night / Thursday a.m....I heard voices talking and it woke me up...I opened my eyes and as I do, Crosby goes from loud snoring to charging at the front out this low guttural growl..tail extended stiff and straight out....and then I hear it...coyotes howling...and they sounded really close...I get up and look out my bedroom window and in the moonlight I saw 2 was seated and the other standing...moving around slowly....their howls were answered by others in the was amazing....I have seen coyotes in the GTA maybe a dozen times...but never here in the country....I tried waking my wife up to take a look....she just got mad....anyway I moved downstairs hoping for a better view but they apparently saw me through the windows in the dark and scampered off.