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Outdoor Ontario

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Dr. John

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Common arrowhead?


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D'accord.  I took the shot at Reesor (lower) pond in Scarborough.  There is a lot of Common Arrowhead right next to the observation mound but very little of it is in bloom.  I have never seen an example of Swamp Pink at that location.  It's getting so congested with weeds and wildflowers that there is almost no room to move around.  The observation mound used to be nicely cleared but obviously the municipality doesn't want any visitors any more, or it does not have the budget.  Walking along the crest of the berm in either direction is also difficult because of the overgrowth.  Negotiating it is not worth the tick liability.  It should be much easier in early spring.

Dr. John

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I agree about Reesor. It looked very overgrown when I drove by a few weeks ago. I was visiting an apiary a bit further north. The woman there said that there is a young black bear in the Rouge Valley, which I thought was interesting as bears rarely make it into the city limits.


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A bear in the Rouge?  I can't bear it!  I already carry bug spray and my eau de non chalance and now I'm expected to also carry bear spray?  What's next ... a rifle?  What would attract a bear into the Rouge?  Garbage?  Sure, why not?  There's plenty of that laying around as far as I can tell.  Perhaps apiaries are the culprit.  Do I need to watch out for bear scat?  I always  go out early without having had breakfast, or even a coffee.  So now when I hear that soft growl I'll need to consider other sources than my stomach.  Then again, there are always dogs around no matter where I go.  A dog would smell a bear long before I would be aware of one.  I'm so shortsighted in thinking that the Rouge was going to the dogs ... and then a bear shows up.

Dr. John

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It doesn't sound like there have concerns about bear-human interactions but more about the risk to hives and other food sources.