As I am frequently getting questions regarding how to include photos in posts, here is a very simple approach that should be achievable with minimal computer skills. Let me know if you have comments, corrections, or suggestions for improvements of this post. Thanks.
I'm assuming that the image that you want post is stored on your computer. If your image is hosted online you can follow instructions given here:
<!-- m --> ... php?t=4249<!-- m -->
<!-- m --> ... .php?t=165<!-- m -->
<!-- m --> ... php?t=2996<!-- m -->
With our site you first need to upload the image to an image hosting web site. There are many free such services available, e.g. <!-- w --><!-- w --> , <!-- w --><!-- w --> and <!-- w --><!-- w --> . Such sites generally require you to register with their services. If you want to avoid this step the site <!-- w --><!-- w --> allows you to host images without registration. In the following example I will use <!-- w --><!-- w -->.
1) Direct your browser to <!-- w --><!-- w -->
2) At <!-- w --><!-- w --> click "Browse..." to choose the image that you want to upload from your hard drive. Then click "UPLOAD NOW".
3) On the left-hand side of the page you will now see a field next to the text "Forum Code". Copy all the text in this field (it starts with "
10) Click "Preview" at the bottom of the page to preview your post. Verify that the image appears.
11) If everything looks OK, press "Submit" to submit your post.